Qui sommes-nous?
DABABO is a brand of bags and accessories made from recycled truck tarpaulins. All products are manufactured in France. The primary concept of DABABO is to work with material recovery solutions with a focus on industrial tarpaulin for a casual-streetwear univers. DABABO pieces combine purpose, responsible consumption with a personal touch to create a unique brand. Each piece is created in the designer's atelier by the designer.
DABABO a été fondé par Frankie en 2013, qui a pensé et continue aujourd'hui de développer de nouveaux concepts autour de la marque. Frankie c'est surtout celui qui designe, fabrique et perfectionne de ses mains chacun des produits.
DABABO was created by Frankie in 2013, who thought and continues today to develop new concepts around the brand. Frankie is above all the one who designs, manufactures and perfects with his hands each of the products.
DABABO s'est agrandit il y a quelques années avec Emilie qui a apporté ses compétences en communication numérique et événementielle. Elle met notamment en valeur chacun des produits et le quotidien de Dababo sur nos réseaux sociaux.
DABABO expanded a few years ago with Emilie who brought her skills in digital communication and events. In particular, it showcases each product and the daily life of Dababo on our social networks.